PillowEase® Blog for Rest, Relaxations and Better Health

  • Been a Minute

    Breathe, relax, take care of yourself, help your body and mind heal.
  • How's your Stress??

    How's your stress? How's your sleep?? Oftentimes the two go hand in hand.
  • A Good Night's Rest

    A good night's sleep is essential for overall wellness and health. It can help reduce stress levels, improve mood, and boost energy levels. However...
  • Been Crazy!

    Sleeping with a pillow for support has several benefits, including:
  • Just talking about the importance of Rest

    There's much research done about how important rest is to the human body.  There's the bit about being sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • How Your Pillow can help with Discomfort

    We all define what comfort means to us, and we all find comfort in our own ways.
  • A Stressful and Anxious Week so far

     It's been an interesting week to say the least.  I won't go into details but as things have unfolded I've found my stress management skills tested...
  • Pain Management with a Pillow

    It's safe to say we all have some aches and pains, from time to time, or chronic.  I've used pillows in the past to help find a position that takes load off of a joint to help with discomfort.
  • Your Well Being and your Pillow

    ...we take our pillow for granted.  It's just there.  It just lays there.  It doesn't really do anything.  Or does it.
  • Stress, Anxiety and Sleep night time can magnify the effects of stress and anxiety,
  • Stress and Breathing Follow On Post

    The day after my last post, Inc. Magazine came out with this article about what research has shown to be the most effective breathing techniques, including:...
  •  STRESS💥💢💣👊

    A big part of everyone's life is stress, and how to manage it.  I got out of school just a few years ago (OK, maybe more than a few years ago).  Th...